I woke up this morning to Tim busting through the door to tell me that it was "pouring down snow". It hasn't snowed here since 2002, so its definitely not something that happens everyday. It brought back alot of memories of living in Birmingham when I was a kid and getting so excited at every chance of flurry. I don't think my dogs have ever seen snow, and they definitely were not impressed. They acted as if it was acid on their paws. They have spent most of the day inside the garage because they absolutely refuse to go out. Tim and I got all dressed and headed out to play in the snow. We took a few pictures and played around a little, but it wasn't as fun as I remember it being when I was a kid. I was also really afraid of slipping and falling on the deck so it took some of the fun out of it, but it was still an exciting day. I can't wait until Lincoln is old enough to enjoy the snow.

On another note, I met with the Dietician at the Center for Diabetes yesterday. We talked about Gestational Diabetes, what it is, what it can do to the baby, how its treated, meal plans, etc. They taught me some new ways to take my blood sugar that I wasn't aware of. I've tried a few times, but I absolutely cannot stick myself on the finger for some reason. The nurse taught me how to do it on my arm and even the heel of my hand. For some reason even being a nurse I never thought about doing it on the heel of the hand. Its much less painful in my opinion. I just hate the tips of my fingers being sore. So I will be checking my blood sugar approximately 4 times a day, and adhering to a carb controlled diet. I have to eat 6 times a day, which is going to be difficult with my work schedule, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to have a happy healthy boy.
My meal plan consists of:
Breakfast: 15-30 carbs
Snack: 15-30 carbs
Lunch: 30-45 carbs
Snack: 15-30 carbs
Dinner: 30-45 carbs
Snack: 15-30 carbs
Hopefully following this guideline I will be able to control my blood sugar without medications or insulin. I have an appointment to go back on the 28th and show them my blood sugar log and my food diary for the week. One thing that broke my heart is that I am not really allowed to have any kind of fruit juice at any time on this diet. Normally that wouldn't be a big deal at all, but I have been craving grapefruit juice like it is going out of style!