Thursday, February 28, 2008
32 weeks
I just hit 32 weeks a couple days ago. I can't believe how fast the time is going now. Its hard to imagine that I will have Lincoln in my arms in just 6 weeks and a couple days. I had my 32 week appointment yesterday; all was good. I'll start going every 2 weeks now instead of once a month. I'll probably do that twice and then at 36 weeks I'll start going weekly until he's here. I still have so many things I want to do around the house before Lincoln arrives. I just want everything to be perfect and not have to worry about doing anything but taking care of him. I really wish that "nesting" phase that I hear so much about would kick in. Lately all I've had the energy to do is eat and sleep.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Just catching up ...
I haven't written in a little while so I thought I'd fill everyone in on what's been going on lately. I went back to repeat my 4D ultrasound last Friday. I still wasn't able to get any pictures. I had worked all night and I was exhausted, I drove home to pick up Tim and eat breakfast before my appointment at 9:30. I told myself I was going to get in bed for just a minute to warm up before I took a shower to get ready and I woke up at 9:20. I threw my scrubs back on and headed out the door. On the way I decided to call the office and let them know I'd be a few minutes late. They didn't even have any idea I was coming in. Apparently either I wasn't written in on the schedule or they didn't look at it that morning since it was a Friday and the office is usually closed. When I got their the ultrasound tech spent about 7 or 8 minutes booting up the machine. As soon as she put the wand on my belly she said that we wouldn't be getting any pictures because he was still in the same position as last time. I was really upset because I was exhausted, aggrivated that they didn't know I was coming, and then I felt like she really didn't even try to get any pictures. I can understand she can only do so much, but it would have been nice for her to offer to try again some time or atleast try to get me some pics of his hands and feet or whatever was viewable. She just said it would have to be a suprise and sent me on my way. I was way too tired and upset to argue.
In better news ... I just hit the 30 week mark a couple of days ago. I can't believe how time is flying all of a sudden. It seems like just yesterday it was Christmas and I was only 23 or 24 weeks. I have only 8 weeks and 2 days left until my scheduled c-section. Its amazing how soon that seems. On one hand I can't wait and I hope the times continues to fly, but on the other hand I know I'm gonna really miss being pregnant. I love feeling him moving around, and talking to him, and making plans for the future. But, I will be glad to have a break from work for a while. Its getting really hard to be on my feet for 12+ hours a night, 3 nights a week. Not to mention I haven't slept well in almost 6 months. I know that won't be changing anytime soon though.
Here is a picture of my belly at 29 weeks and 4 days. Please excuse the stretchmarks ...

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