Monday, December 31, 2007

The Nursery and More Movement

The past couple of days I have really been feeling the baby move around. Its an undeniable sensation now. I was lying in bed today and I had my hand on my stomach and right when I felt him kick from the inside I also felt the thump on my hand. I have to say that is the weirdest thing I have ever felt. It made me bust out laughing. It happened 5 or 6 times within a few minutes. I called Tim into the room and he was able to feel it too. This pregnancy is really starting to get fun. I spent so much time at the beginning filled with worry and doubt that now its such a relief to just enjoy it.

I'm almost embarassed to say that they nursery is almost complete. It didn't take nearly as much time as I thought it would. Tim really got down to business the last couple of weeks and got most of the work done. There are only a few minor details left to add, but the majority of the work is done. I think this is going to be my new favorite room in the house.

Friday, December 14, 2007


I haven't written anything in my pregnancy journal in over a month so I figured it was time to get up to date on everything. This past month has been interesting. About 3 weeks ago I had a bad fall at work. I slipped in some water in the hallway. I had to go to the ER to make sure that me and the baby were both ok. I really didn't think I had done any damage, but I found out that my placenta partially tore away from the wall of my uterus. Its called an abruption, full abruptions can cause fetal death, but thankfully mine was only about 3 centimeters. I spent the night in L&D and got a couple ultrasounds done, but so far there doesn't seem to be any further complications because of the fall or the abruption. We also had our 20 week ultrasound a little over a week ago. Everything looked great. No abnormalities or anomalies were detected, which is great news. We also got a 2nd confirmation that we are definitely having a little boy.

I've also started feeling some small movement this week. Its a very strange sensation, but I love it. It lets me know that Lincoln is happy and healthy inside his incubator. I can't wait until the movement gets stronger.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Baby Bedding

I've been really disappointed with the selection of boy baby bedding so far. I'm not much into the animal themes, transportation or sports themes. I finally found several online this morning that I really like. They are all very contemporary which I love. The one that is pictured is what I think I will probably go with. Its called Moda and is by a company called Banana Fish. Who knew bedding was soo expensive though? Tim and I are going to go shopping today to look around and price some furniture. I've seen a few things online at Target that I really like but I want a whole set that will match ... crib, dresser, changing table, etc. I don't want to have to try to match and buy each piece individually because its not a set.

Its a Boy!!

I found out a couple days ago that we will be having a little boy. An ultrasound tech came up to the floor at work to scan a patient, when she was done I asked if she'd mind taking a look to see if she could tell what we were having. It didn't take her long to discover that it is a boy. She seemed very sure. Usually this early (14w6d) it can be hard to tell, but if its a boy its typically more obvious than if it had been a girl. I am shocked to say the least. I have always thought that I would have a girl. I guess its because my mom had all girls, and that is just what I've been around my whole life. When she told me I just laughed because I knew that because I felt so strongly it was a girl it would end up being a boy.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Name Change and U/S Date

Tim and I have decided if we have a boy we are going to name him Lincoln James instead of Donovan James. Its a name we ran across recently and both really liked. I have my 16 week appointment on November 7th. I asked Dr Williams if we could get an ultrasound to see what we are having on that day and he said that we can try. 16 weeks is still a little early for that, normally its done between 18 and 20 weeks, but I know several people that were able to tell as early as 15 weeks what they were having, so I'm feeling optimistic about it. I just want to know so I can start planning the nursery and buying some things.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Today's Appointment

We went in for our 12 week appointment today. I've gained a total of 5 pounds in the first trimester. Not terrible. Dr. Williams wasn't able to hear the baby's heartbeat on the hand held dopper so we had an ultrasound done. I really wasn't suprised at all that he couldn't hear it because I've been trying to hear it at work and I've never been able to either. The part that did suprise me was the the ultrasound tech wasn't able to hear it on the ultrasound either. It took her a good 5 minutes to find it at all. She said she could see it, and that everything looked fine, she was just having a hard time hearing it. She finally told us that it was 162 beats per minute. Sounds good to me. She said that the problem was that everytime she got the baby pinned down and tried to listen, it would move. I couldn't see very well from my angle, but Tim said that he could see it moving and waving its arms and legs.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

12 Weeks

Today I'm 12 weeks pregnant. This is a very important milestone that I have been looking forward to. Mainly because I get to stop taking my progesterone today. That means no more twice daily suppositories. Yay! Today is also often looked at as the beginning of the 2nd trimester. Some books and people say 13 weeks is actually more accurate, but I say as long as I make it there I don't care when it is. I have an appointment tomorrow morning at 9:30 am, so I'll be updating again soon.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

My Jumping Bean

Tonight when I was at work I had the chance to look at my baby on the ultrasound machine for a few minutes. While I was looking at it I must have done something that startled her because she jumped really fast, hit the top of my uterus and then floated back down to where she was. Of course I couldn't feel it, but it was so cool to actually see it moving. It made my day :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pumpkin Carvings

I got home from work this morning and found a carved pumpkin on my kitchen counter. Tim said he made it as a tribute to my morning sickness. I thought it was hilarious! On another note, I asked one of the doctors I work with to ultrasound me a couple nights ago at work so I could see my Sweetpea. We were able to see the baby and the heartbeat. The machine had such bad resolution that we couldn't tell a whole lot about it, but its always fun to peek.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Nursery: Thoughts and Ideas

We haven't started working on the nursery yet. We really need to get started soon, because we are going to have an incredible amount of work to do. We plan on moving Tim's office into what is now my office and moving all my stuff into our bedroom. We will then make Tim's old office the nursery. My current office has a sliding glass door leading out onto the deck and we figured that probably isn't the smartest thing to have in a baby's room. We really should have considered things like that when we moved in, but we really weren't thinking about kids at that time.

I have absolutely no idea what our nursery will look like if we have a boy. I haven't seen anything online that I was particularly attracted to for a boy's nursery. I have found some really cute stuff for a girl though. My current favorite bedding is called Tiger Lily by Kidsline. I actually ran across it before I knew I was pregnant when I was looking at bedding online with my best friend Vanessa, who is also pregnant.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

2nd Appointment - 8 weeks 1 day

Its been two weeks since our last prenatal appointment. Today we had our ultrasound first before speaking with my doctor. I was absolutely amazed at how much our Sweetpea has grown in the last two weeks. You could see the little arms and legs moving on the screen. It was really amazing. Today the heart rate was 178. Unfortunately I probably won't get to see the baby on the ultrasound again until our appointment around 20 weeks when we will find out what the sex is. Well, actually I probably will because I like to take a peek when I'm at work on occasion. Shhhh!

We have decided on names. I really love our girl name and I'm ok with our boy name, but I'm not quite as excited about the boy name. If its a girl she will be Amelia Claire McQueen and if its a boy his name will be Donovan James McQueen. Subject to change without warning, of course.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

1st Baby Gifts

Today was my neice, Ashlynn's birthday party. She just turned 3. We had a great time planning for her party. I don't get to see my neice and nephew as often as I would like because they live about 2 hours away in Birmingham. I had fun buying gifts for her and helping to plan her party.
My mom bought me a couple baby outfits while she and my grandmother were out birthday shopping for Ashlynn. She bought me one girl outfit and one boy outfit. I was excited to get our first baby gifts, it really made things seem very real and exciting.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

1st Ultrasound Appointment

I went to my first prenatal appointment today. I'm only 6 weeks pregnant so it didn't really consist of much, but I was really excited for the ultrasound. I was scared to death that my doctor was going to tell me that it must have been a mistake and that I'm really not pregnant. I don't think I really let myself believe it was true until I saw it with my own eyes.

When we did the ultrasound the tech said, "there's that little baby!". I actually had to make an effort not to bust out crying right then and there. I had really stressed myself out with worry and I was so relieved. Sometimes I think being a Labor and Delivery nurse is a huge disadvantage; I know enough about early pregnancy just to scare myself and freak out about all the possibilities.

Despite all my worry, the baby looked great. The heart rate was 120 beats per minute, which is exactly what it should be at this point and the baby's measurements were on target for the estimated due date of April 22, 2008. Tim was very excited to see the baby on the ultrasound, he kept saying "thats so cool". It was a really great moment for both of us.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

It's Really True!!

I woke up this morning and took a pregnany test and I could definitely see a faint 2nd line. I've actually been seeing this line for a few days now, but I chose to ignore it. Today is the first day that I actually decided to investigate further.

A couple of weeks ago I saw a 2nd line but when I went to have bloodwork done it came back negative, and I was heartbroken. So when I started seeing the line again I thought surely I was seeing things or it was a false positive.

I debated waiting a few more days to see if the line got darker, but I ultimately decided to go in to the doctor's office and have a test done there. They did a urine and a blood test, the urine test came back with another faint positive line and the nurse said that she could definitely see it was there but I was probably just really early. I didn't get the blood test results until later in the afternoon when I was back at home, but it was positive as well.

I couldn't wait to tell Tim. He was in Montgomery for a work meeting and I absolutely couldn't wait until he got home to tell him. I sent him a text message when I got in the car that said "hey daddy". Apparently he didn't get it because he didn't call for a couple of hours and when he did he didn't say anything. So I told him then over the telephone, not exactly the way I dreamed it would go, but I was too excited to wait. He was very excited as well, and stopped by the store on the way home and bought some Sparkling Cider to celebrate.