I woke up this morning and took a pregnany test and I could definitely see a faint 2nd line. I've actually been seeing this line for a few days now, but I chose to ignore it. Today is the first day that I actually decided to investigate further.
A couple of weeks ago I saw a 2nd line but when I went to have bloodwork done it came back negative, and I was heartbroken. So when I started seeing the line again I thought surely I was seeing things or it was a false positive.
I debated waiting a few more days to see if the line got darker, but I ultimately decided to go in to the doctor's office and have a test done there. They did a urine and a blood test, the urine test came back with another faint positive line and the nurse said that she could definitely see it was there but I was probably just really early. I didn't get the blood test results until later in the afternoon when I was back at home, but it was positive as well.
I couldn't wait to tell Tim. He was in Montgomery for a work meeting and I absolutely couldn't wait until he got home to tell him. I sent him a text message when I got in the car that said "hey daddy". Apparently he didn't get it because he didn't call for a couple of hours and when he did he didn't say anything. So I told him then over the telephone, not exactly the way I dreamed it would go, but I was too excited to wait. He was very excited as well, and stopped by the store on the way home and bought some Sparkling Cider to celebrate.
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